Singing with the team the first day. |
presenting skits for the students to enjoy |
The last three days a revival team from Chiang Mai came to our school. They actually arrived Saturday evening and went to local churches on Sunday to help preach and teach to the locals. Then Monday-Wednesday they had someone come and teach for the teacher's devotions, then had three sessions in the morning. The first session was for Kindergarten and First Grade. The second session was for Second-Fourth Grade, and the final session was for Fifth-Seventh Grade. In the afternoon they split up and each went to one of the Fourth-Seventh grade classes to talk with the students and dig in a little deeper about what was taught in the morning. They played games, sang songs, and put on plays for the students. The theme was BE STRONG. It was cute to see the kids all yelling "Be Strong" together. On Wednesday they had an invitation time, in which students could choose to dedicate their lives for the first time, or to confess their sins and rededicate their lives. The ones on the stage are those who chose to dedicate their lives to Christ for the first time. The ones bowed down praying are the ones who rededicated their lives to Christ.
Teaching in Thailand I often get frustrated with all of the disruptions to my teaching time for silly things. The revival every year is about the only interruption that I don't get frustrated with. It is always good to see the students learning of God's love for them, especially when it is presented in a fun and friendly way that they are open to receiving. They get to know the team over tme, trust them, and look forward to them coming back. What a blessing, and what a testimony to the work being done by the Church of Christ in Thailand and by Saha Christian Suksa School to bring students to Christ. Please be praying for the students who made decisions and those that didn't. That God would be working in their lives, and that they would see Him working and be open to it.
BE STRONG and reciting the weeks memory verse |
more plays |
Committing their lives to Christ for the first time. |
Asking for forgiveness and rededicating their lives. |
Praying for forgiveness. |
A few of the teacher's with the team from Chiang Mai. |
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